Friday, December 5, 2014

Why Your Treadmill Stops Unexpectedly

Some people who use treadmills at home are familiar with this scenario: they turn the machine on and everything seems to work; then minutes into their session, the machine stops.

Here are a few possible explanations.

Inadequate lubrication – Considered as the most common cause of treadmill stoppage, inadequate lubrication underneath the belt is likely caused by owner negligence. If you’ve been using the machine without regular lubrication, then you’re likely to experience unexpected stoppages. Check with the manufacturer on the right lubricant to use, as certain models work best with specific lubricants.  

Overheating – Treadmills are bound to overheat if they constantly have to support more than their weight capacity. This causes the motor to work harder than usual and eventually burn out. Signs of overheating include smells of hot oil or burning plastic. As soon as the machine overheats, it’s bound to stop the motor automatically to prevent further damage.

Worn-out belt – If the treadmill is particularly tenured, then the belt is more likely to be worn-out. As soon as the belt is frayed, the damaged areas creates added friction and resistance that may increase the motor’s work tenfold. The result is excessive friction which can be dangerous to the machine overall—the synthetic materials which form the belt could be warped, causing fitting problems or even imminent snapping. 

Power issues – Sometimes, the reason for a treadmill stopping is an incredibly simple one: the power plug has come loose and is not making adequate contact with the outlet’s terminals. 

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